.NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development Training Course
A number of programming languages are available today to compile code to .NET and ASP.NET frameworks. The environment provides powerful means for security development, but developers should know how to apply the architecture- and coding-level programming techniques in order to implement the desired security functionality and avoid vulnerabilities or limit their exploitation.
The aim of this course is to teach developers through numerous hands-on exercises how to prevent untrusted code from performing privileged actions, protect resources through strong authentication and authorization, provide remote procedure calls, handle sessions, introduce different implementations for certain functionality, and many more.
Introduction of different vulnerabilities starts with presenting some typical programming problems committed when using .NET, while the discussion of vulnerabilities of the ASP.NET also deals with various environment settings and their effects. Finally, the topic of ASP.NET-specific vulnerabilities not only deals with some general web application security challenges, but also with special issues and attack methods like attacking the ViewState, or the string termination attacks.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Learn to use various security features of the .NET development environment
- Get practical knowledge in using security testing tools
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Get information about some recent vulnerabilities in .NET and ASP.NET
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Course Outline
- IT security and secure coding
- Web application security
- .NET security architecture and services
- Common coding errors and vulnerabilities
- Knowledge sources
Open Training Courses require 5+ participants.
.NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development Training Course - Booking
.NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development Training Course - Enquiry
.NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development - Consultancy Enquiry
Consultancy Enquiry
Testimonials (5)
Very good to understand how a hacker would potentially analyse sites for weakness and tools they might employ .
Roger - OTT Mobile
Course - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
the corny jokes. Love the first 2 day session because of the labs.
Kevin Galacgac - Human Edge Software Philippines, Inc.
Course - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
The trainer is really connecting with us and making sure that nobody left out of the current topic. Explains well to each topic and provides an example that is easy to understand.
Edgarico Llaneta - Human Edge Software Philippines, Inc.
Course - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
The hands-on training and the examples.
Lord-Sam Lamparero - Human Edge Software Philippines, Inc.
Course - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
I was benefit from the exercises (SQL injection, XSS, CRSF. .).
David Lemoine - Statistical Solutions
Course - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
Upcoming Courses
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ABAP Secure code
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- Explain application security and vulnerabilities
- Describe ABAP programming best practices and handling of SY-SUBRC
- Understand injection vulnerabilities
- Describe security testing tools
- Explain ATC and CVA
Format of the Course
- Interactive lecture and discussion.
- Lots of exercises and practice.
- Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.
Applications Security Foundation
21 HoursThis course covers the secure coding essential topics that are relevant to a large number of web application developers. It will teach students concepts of secure programming and involves looking at a specific piece of code, identifying a security flaw, and implementing a fix for that flaw.
In this course you will watch demos of real word attacks and how to prevent them, and gain confidence in the journey to improving the security of your applications.
Duration: 3 days
Who Should Attend: Developers looking to extend their knowledge in secure coding.
Upon Completion
• Students will get knowledge in:
• Web Application Security.
• Common Web Application Risks.
• Demo Web Application Penetration
• Data Validation
• Authentication.
• Session Management.
• Secure SDLC.
Android Security
14 HoursAndroid is an open platform for mobile devices such as handsets and tablets. It has a large variety of security features to make developing secure software easier; however, it is also missing certain security aspects that are present in other hand-held platforms. The course gives a comprehensive overview of these features, and points out the most critical shortcomings to be aware of related to the underlying Linux, the file system and the environment in general, as well as regarding using permissions and other Android software development components.
Typical security pitfalls and vulnerabilities are described both for native code and Java applications, along with recommendations and best practices to avoid and mitigate them. In many cases discussed issues are supported with real-life examples and case studies. Finally, we give a brief overview on how to use security testing tools to reveal any security relevant programming bugs.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn the security solutions on Android
- Learn to use various security features of the Android platform
- Get information about some recent vulnerabilities in Java on Android
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Get understanding on native code vulnerabilities on Android
- Realize the severe consequences of unsecure buffer handling in native code
- Understand the architectural protection techniques and their weaknesses
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Network Security and Secure Communication
21 HoursImplementing a secure networked application can be difficult, even for developers who may have used various cryptographic building blocks (such as encryption and digital signatures) beforehand. In order to make the participants understand the role and usage of these cryptographic primitives, first a solid foundation on the main requirements of secure communication – secure acknowledgement, integrity, confidentiality, remote identification and anonymity – is given, while also presenting the typical problems that may damage these requirements along with real-world solutions.
As a critical aspect of network security is cryptography, the most important cryptographic algorithms in symmetric cryptography, hashing, asymmetric cryptography, and key agreement are also discussed. Instead of presenting an in-depth mathematical background, these elements are discussed from a developer's perspective, showing typical use-case examples and practical considerations related to the use of crypto, such as public key infrastructures. Security protocols in many areas of secure communication are introduced, with an in-depth discussion on the most widely-used protocol families such as IPSEC and SSL/TLS.
Typical crypto vulnerabilities are discussed both related to certain crypto algorithms and cryptographic protocols, such as BEAST, CRIME, TIME, BREACH, FREAK, Logjam, Padding oracle, Lucky Thirteen, POODLE and similar, as well as the RSA timing attack. In each case, the practical considerations and potential consequences are described for each problem, again, without going into deep mathematical details.
Finally, as XML technology is central for data exchange by networked applications, the security aspects of XML are described. This includes the usage of XML within web services and SOAP messages alongside protection measures such as XML signature and XML encryption – as well as weaknesses in those protection measures and XML-specific security issues such as XML injection, XML external entity (XXE) attacks, XML bombs, and XPath injection.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Understand the requirements of secure communication
- Learn about network attacks and defenses at different OSI layers
- Have a practical understanding of cryptography
- Understand essential security protocols
- Understand some recent attacks against cryptosystems
- Get information about some recent related vulnerabilities
- Understand security concepts of Web services
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Developers, Professionals
C/C++ Secure Coding
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Advanced Java Security
21 HoursEven experienced Java programmers are not mastering by all means the various security services offered by Java, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java.
The course – besides introducing security components of Standard Java Edition – deals with security issues of Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and web services. Discussion of specific services is preceded with the foundations of cryptography and secure communication. Various exercises deal with declarative and programmatic security techniques in JEE, while both transport-layer and end-to-end security of web services is discussed. The use of all components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.
The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform and web-related vulnerabilities. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Understand security concepts of Web services
- Learn to use various security features of the Java development environment
- Have a practical understanding of cryptography
- Understand security solutions of Java EE
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Get information about some recent vulnerabilities in the Java framework
- Get practical knowledge in using security testing tools
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Standard Java Security
14 HoursDescription
The Java language and the Runtime Environment (JRE) was designed to be free from the most problematic common security vulnerabilities experienced in other languages, like C/C++. Yet, software developers and architects should not only know how to use the various security features of the Java environment (positive security), but should also be aware of the numerous vulnerabilities that are still relevant for Java development (negative security).
The introduction of security services is preceded with a brief overview of the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of these components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs for themselves.
The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform, covering both the typical bugs committed by Java programmers and the language- and environment-specific issues. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Learn to use various security features of the Java development environment
- Have a practical understanding of cryptography
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Get information about some recent vulnerabilities in the Java framework
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
The Secure Coding Landscape
14 HoursThe course introduces some common security concepts, gives an overview about the nature of the vulnerabilities regardless of the used programming languages and platforms, and explains how to handle the risks that apply regarding software security in the various phases of the software development lifecycle. Without going deeply into technical details, it highlights some of the most interesting and most aching vulnerabilities in various software development technologies, and presents the challenges of security testing, along with some techniques and tools that one can apply to find any existing problems in their code.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Understand Web vulnerabilities both on server and client side
- Realize the severe consequences of unsecure buffer handling
- Be informated about some recent vulnerabilities in development environments and frameworks
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Understand security testing approaches and methodologies
Secure coding in PHP
21 HoursThe course provides essential skills for PHP developers necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet. Web vulnerabilities are discussed through PHP-based examples going beyond the OWASP top ten, tackling various injection attacks, script injections, attacks against session handling of PHP, insecure direct object references, issues with file upload, and many others. PHP-related vulnerabilities are introduced grouped into the standard vulnerability types of missing or improper input validation, incorrect error and exception handling, improper use of security features and time- and state-related problems. For this latter we discuss attacks like the open_basedir circumvention, denial-of-service through magic float or the hash table collision attack. In all cases participants will get familiar with the most important techniques and functions to be used to mitigate the enlisted risks.
A special focus is given to client-side security tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5. A number of security-related extensions to PHP are introduced like hash, mcrypt and OpenSSL for cryptography, or Ctype, ext/filter and HTML Purifier for input validation. The best hardening practices are given in connection with PHP configuration (setting php.ini), Apache and the server in general. Finally, an overview is given to various security testing tools and techniques which developers and testers can use, including security scanners, penetration testing and exploit packs, sniffers, proxy servers, fuzzing tools and static source code analyzers.
Both the introduction of vulnerabilities and the configuration practices are supported by a number of hands-on exercises demonstrating the consequences of successful attacks, showing how to apply mitigation techniques and introducing the use of various extensions and tools.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Learn client-side vulnerabilities and secure coding practices
- Have a practical understanding of cryptography
- Learn to use various security features of PHP
- Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them
- Be informed about recent vulnerabilities of the PHP framework
- Get practical knowledge in using security testing tools
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Microsoft SDL Core
14 HoursThe Combined SDL core training gives an insight into secure software design, development and testing through Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL). It provides a level 100 overview of the fundamental building blocks of SDL, followed by design techniques to apply to detect and fix flaws in early stages of the development process.
Dealing with the development phase, the course gives an overview of the typical security relevant programming bugs of both managed and native code. Attack methods are presented for the discussed vulnerabilities along with the associated mitigation techniques, all explained through a number of hands-on exercises providing live hacking fun for the participants. Introduction of different security testing methods is followed by demonstrating the effectiveness of various testing tools. Participants can understand the operation of these tools through a number of practical exercises by applying the tools to the already discussed vulnerable code.
Participants attending this course will
Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
Get known to the essential steps of Microsoft Secure Development Lifecycle
Learn secure design and development practices
Learn about secure implementation principles
Understand security testing methodology
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Developers, Managers
Security Testing
14 HoursAfter getting familiar with the vulnerabilities and the attack methods, participants learn about the general approach and the methodology for security testing, and the techniques that can be applied to reveal specific vulnerabilities. Security testing should start with information gathering about the system (ToC, i.e. Target of Evaluation), then a thorough threat modeling should reveal and rate all threats, arriving to the most appropriate risk analysis-driven test plan.
Security evaluations can happen at various steps of the SDLC, and so we discuss design review, code review, reconnaissance and information gathering about the system, testing the implementation and the testing and hardening the environment for secure deployment. Many security testing techniques are introduced in details, like taint analysis and heuristics-based code review, static code analysis, dynamic web vulnerability testing or fuzzing. Various types of tools are introduced that can be applied in order to automate security evaluation of software products, which is also supported by a number of exercises, where we execute these tools to analyze the already discussed vulnerable code. Many real life case studies support better understanding of various vulnerabilities.
This course prepares testers and QA staff to adequately plan and precisely execute security tests, select and use the most appropriate tools and techniques to find even hidden security flaws, and thus gives essential practical skills that can be applied on the next day working day.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Learn client-side vulnerabilities and secure coding practices
- Understand security testing approaches and methodologies
- Get practical knowledge in using security testing techniques and tools
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Developers, Testers
Secure Web Application Development and Testing
21 HoursProtecting applications that are accessible via the web requires well-prepared security professional who are at all time aware of current attack methods and trends. Plethora of technologies and environments exist that allow comfortable development of web applications. One should not only be aware of the security issues relevant to these platforms, but also of all general vulnerabilities that apply regardless of the used development tools.
The course gives an overview of the applicable security solutions in web applications, with a special focus on understanding the most important cryptographic solutions to be applied. The various web application vulnerabilities are presented both on the server side (following the OWASP Top Ten) and the client side, demonstrated through the relevant attacks, and followed by the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods to avoid the associated problems. The subject of secure coding is wrapped up by discussing some typical security-relevant programming mistakes in the domain of input validation, improper use of security features and code quality.
Testing plays a very important role in ensuring security and robustness of web applications. Various approaches – from high level auditing through penetration testing to ethical hacking – can be applied to find vulnerabilities of different types. However, if you want to go beyond the easy-to-find low-hanging fruits, security testing should be well planned and properly executed. Remember: security testers should ideally find all bugs to protect a system, while for adversaries it is enough to find one exploitable vulnerability to penetrate into it.
Practical exercises will help understanding web application vulnerabilities, programming mistakes and most importantly the mitigation techniques, together with hands-on trials of various testing tools from security scanners, through sniffers, proxy servers, fuzzing tools to static source code analyzers, this course gives the essential practical skills that can be applied on the next day at the workplace.
Participants attending this course will
- Understand basic concepts of security, IT security and secure coding
- Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them
- Learn client-side vulnerabilities and secure coding practices
- Have a practical understanding of cryptography
- Understand security testing approaches and methodologies
- Get practical knowledge in using security testing techniques and tools
- Be informed about recent vulnerabilities in various platforms, frameworks and libraries
- Get sources and further readings on secure coding practices
Developers, Testers
21 HoursThis course caters to individuals such as software developers, testers, and architects involved in creating software using different programming languages and platforms like desktop, web, cloud, and mobile. It aims to enhance their capacity to produce software of superior quality, with a special focus on security and privacy aspects.
DevOps Security: Creating a DevOps Security Strategy
7 HoursIn this instructor-led, live course in Bhutan, participants will learn how to formulate the proper security strategy to face the DevOps security challenge.