Course Outline
Problem solving and continuous improvement
- Problem solving strategies
- Root cause analysis
- Identifying opportunities
- Innovative thinking
Making an impact: data-driven story telling
- Understanding your audience
- Effective data presentation - getting your message across
- Importance of data visualization
Influence effectiveness and change leadership
- Types of influencing
- Handling difficult situations
- Change leadership mindset
Project management
- 6 steps of project management
Testimonials (4)
I liked the break outs and the chance to work with my peers taking the course. I also liked the small group we had although I understand this is not the norm
David - Home Office
Course - Professional Scrum Product Owner II
Really pragmatic. Lots of detailed discussions, practical exercises. Constructive debates.
Echardt - BMW SA
Course - Professional Scrum with Kanban | PSK ( accredited training course)
Great attiude of trainer and real life examples not just dry theory.
Course - Professional Scrum Master II | PSM II ( accredited training course)
I really enjoyed the mix of interactive exercises as well as normal powerpoint teaching slides. The exercises really broke up what is normally a classic teacher/student teaching method but there was a good balance of group exercises as well as powerpoint slides. I think the trainer was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about what he taught.